Sunday, August 29, 2010

Tarot Meditation 20: The Sun, Key 19

Such pleasure there is in the light of the Sun! This key is one of celebration, joy, and accomplishment. The naked child rides the white horse of pure solar energy triumphantly from the walled garden cultivated human consciousness. The four sunflowers face the child, not the Sun behind them, indicating the elements of Fire, Air, Earth and Water are paying attention to the child's actions.

The child represents yet another step in The Fool's journey toward enlightenment. Like The Fool, s/he wears a wreath and a red feather in her/his hair, signifying s/he is gaining spiritual victory over the lower aspects of humanness. The nakedness indicates there is nothing to hide. Controlling the horse only with body movements shows the child has reached a balance between the conscious and unconscious mind. The red banner in the child's hand denotes action and purpose of thought related to the Sun's light (opposite of the reflective, quite light we saw in The Moon). Note the banner is in the child's left hand, an indication that purpose is driven by our unconscious mind.
This Key reminds us that, when we are who we are and are willing to share ourselves in gentleness and kindness, the world can be a joyous place. Speaking our truth quietly puts us in balance with All That Is, and within ourselves. There is joy in the process of coming into the Light.
Be blessed,

Monday, August 23, 2010

Tarot Meditation 19: The Moon, Key 18

Apologies for delay in blogging - too many plates spinning in my universe this month!

I write this entry on the eve of the Full Moon in Pisces, or the Corn Moon as it is called by pagans. Grandmother Moon shines brightly tomorrow night as we celebrate the transition into the harvest season.

In traditional Tarot, The Moon Key is fraught with wonderful Goddess symbols. The Key depicts Moon in three phases (Maiden, Mother, Crone). The Moon is surrounded by falling Yods (as we saw in The Tower Key), reminding us that the Life-force from above always falls on those who seek guidance.

In the foreground of the Key is the pool of the Cosmic Mind, from which a crayfish (symbolic of the early stages of unconsciousness unfolding) emerges. From the snow-covered mountains in the background, the waters of intellect and reason merge into a stream flowing in the pool.

On one side of the stream stands Wolf, Mother Nature's untamed creation. On the other stands Dog, representing humankind's adaptation to the world around us. Halfway up the stream (path) are the twin towers humans have created to protect themselves from a hostile environment. These are not the same towers of spiritual strength seen in The High Priestess Key.

The Moon Key reminds us that Grandmother Moon watches over our spiritual journey toward enlightenment. Numerologically, Key 18 (1+8=9) is the Key of completion of the second phase of The Fool's journey (the first phase ended with The Hermit - Key 9). The Fool continues along the path, learning, growing, falling back, and learning again.

The Moon is the Key of intuitive ability, of dreams and premonitions. If we would only listen to the lessons of the subconscious, learn to trust our intuition, the path that carries us between the towers and to the mountaintop would not seem so steep.

Be blessed,

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Tarot Meditation 18: The Star, Key 17

Much of Tarot symbolism is connected to balance, and The Star carries through this theme. A beautiful woman is poised on the edge of a pool of water, one foot on land (the conscious) and one in water (the unconscious). She is Mother Nature pouring waters of life onto the Earth. The five rivulets from the pitcher in her left (feminine) hand represent our five physical senses before they flow into the pool of Universal Consciousness. From her right (masculine) hand, the pitcher pours water directly into the pool, which is stirred to vibration by meditation.

The sacred Ibis of divine thought rests in a tree over her head, and she is crowned by eight stars, seven of which represent the seven major chakra centers of the body. The eighth, largest, star represents cosmic energy.

This Key is all about meditation, of finding balance in our everyday life - through our five physical senses and our seven major chakra centers - to be still in the pool of the unconscious long enough to truly listen to the divine.

The Star ultimately represents the sacred gifts that are always available to us, if we would but be still and wait for them.

Be blessed,
